Library Policies and Frequently Asked Questions
- Library Cards
- Loan Period and Fines
- Renewals
- Inter-Library Loans
- Why can't I check out?
- Donations
- Internet Policy
- Fax Policy
- Children Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Collection Development / Materials Selection Policy
A library card is required to check out materials and to use library computers. Library cards are free, and residents of the Village of Walden and/orTown of Montgomery residents with Walden mailing addresses are eligible to apply for a card. A library card through the Josephine-Louise library may be used at any of the libraries in the Ramapo Catskill Library system. (For a complete listing, visit ) Likewise, patrons from other system libraries are eligible to use our services, provided that they can present an updated bar-coded library card.
To register for a library card, patrons must appear in person and provide photo identification AND two proofs of address. Acceptable proofs of address include driver’s license, utility bills, leases, rent receipts, checkbooks, and vehicle registrations. Library cards are a legal form of identification, and as such, they need to be backed up by other legal forms of ID. Cards cannot be issued without proper proof of address and identity.
Only the patron whose name appears on a library card is allowed to use that card to check out items. Children ages 5 to 17 are eligible to have their own cards, and parents are encouraged to sign them up. The parent must accompany the child and provide either his/her own library card, or appropriate identification.
Lost or stolen cards should be reported to the library immediately. There is a fee of $5.00 for the replacement of a lost card, and the number of allowed replacements may be limited. The library should also be informed of any changes in address or telephone number. Patrons should provide any changes in person at the main circulation desk. Proof of a new address is required.
Library materials are lent to patrons for set periods of time. Failure to return items on time results in a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the popularity of the item, its loan period and its format. Walden Library’s lending periods and fines are as follows:
Type of Item | Loan Period | Fine Per Day | Maximum Fine |
New DVD | 3 days | $1.00 | $10.00 |
Music CD | 7 days | 25 ¢ | $10.00 |
New Book on CD | 14 days | 25 ¢ | $10.00 |
New Express Book | 14 days | 25 ¢ | $10.00 |
DVDs & Videos | 7 days | 25 ¢ | $10.00 |
New Books & Bestsellers | 14 days | 10 ¢ | $10.00 |
Books & Paperbacks | 21 days | 10 ¢ | $10.00 |
Magazines | 21 days | N/A | N/A |
Library materials must be handled properly and returned on time. If any item is returned in poor condition there may be a charge for repair. Patrons will be responsible to pay replacement and processing costs on lost or extensively damaged materials. Please report lost or damaged materials as soon as possible. There are two book drops available for the return of items after library hours. One is located outside the main entrance of the library; the other can be found by entering through the police station entrance to the building. CDs, DVDs, videos, and books on CD should be returned in the inside drop to prevent damage.
Donated items should not be placed in the book drop under any circumstances. Please bring items to be donated to the main (first-floor) circulation desk during library hours.
Library materials may be renewed in any of the following ways:
- At the circulation desk during library hours
- Online through the library’s web page. (Click on My Account, above.)
- Over the phone, by calling 845 778-7621. (Phone renewals may be limited for some items.)
Items with lending periods of 3, 7, and 14 days cannot be renewed. Items on hold for other patrons are also restricted from being renewed. Items checked out from other libraries are subject to the policies of their owning library. Walden library staff members are prohibited from altering the due dates or renewal periods of items owned by other libraries.
Items belonging to this library that are not new or reserved for others can be renewed one time each, for a period of two weeks.
With a Walden library card, patrons can borrow items from other libraries in the Ramapo Catskill Library system using the inter-library loan service (ILL). Items can be requested online through the library catalog, or a staff member can request them for you at the circulation desk.
You will be notified by phone or email* when inter-library loan items are in for you. These items are held only for a limited time – 3-day items will remain on the hold shelf for 2 days; all other items are held for 5 days. There is a fine of 25 cents per item for anything on the hold shelf that is not checked out within that time.
*If an email addresss is on file, we will not only inform you when a requested item is available for pick-up but also when a borrowed item is nearing its return date, allowing you to either renew it or return it in a timely manner, thereby avoiding overdue fees. Patrons who regularly check their email should take advantage of this procedure.
There are several conditions under which a patron’s library privileges may be temporarily suspended. A patron will be unable to check out, renew, or place holds on any items, and will be prohibited from using library computers if any of the following appears on his/her record:
- unpaid fees associated with a lost item.
- unpaid fines in an amount of $10.00 or more.
- three or more items that are overdue.
- three or more items marked “Claims Returned”
Library materials and services may also be denied to patrons who cannot present their library card at the time of check out. Library privileges are reinstated when the aforementioned problems are resolved.
Monies contributed by the public will be used to purchase books, movies, books on CD, and other items needed by the library to service the public.
The library can accept donations of gently used books, DVD’s and CD’s during library hours only. Due to limitations on shelf and storage space, we are unable to accept textbooks, encyclopedias, Reader’s Digest Condensed Books, or collections of magazines. If you are unsure if the items you wish to donate will be acceptable, please call ahead to confirm.
Donations should not be placed in the book drop.
The internet service is intended primarily as an information resource and does not permit the use of chat rooms, instant messaging, gaming, or downloading of software.
Failure to use the internet appropriately and responsibly will result in revocation of Internet use privileges and/or library use privileges. Violations of these regulations or unacceptable use that is illegal may result in criminal prosecution as well.
Documents may be printed from library computers at the following rates:
- Black and White documents: 10 ¢ per page
- Color documents: 25 ¢ per page
The Josephine-Louise Public Library also provides wireless internet access for laptop computers. Wireless users should not transmit sensitive personal information over the library’s wireless network. The library is not responsible for any harm, loss of data, or loss of device/laptop that might result from using the library’s wireless access connection. The library is not responsible for laptops left unattended, or for any damage that may occur to the laptop computer while connected to the wireless network.
Printing is not available over the wireless network. Patrons may print from a library-owned computer, and applicable printing fees will be charged. Library staff is not available for computer troubleshooting or technical assistance for patrons using the library’s wireless network. There is no guarantee that a wireless connection can be made or maintained. The library reserves the right to terminate a wireless Internet session at any time.
The Josephine-Louise Public Library provides outgoing fax service for the convenience of the community. The patron will provide for any cover sheet needed, and finding and verifying the correct fax number. If the patron cannot provide a cover sheet, one may be offered by the library.
Charges are $1.00 per page, sending and receiving. The library does not provide international faxes. Payment is due before service is provided. Operation of the fax machine is restricted to staff members. If the fax number is busy, the number is redialed twice automatically. If the fax is not successfully transmitted after three attempts, the document(s) and payment will be returned to the patron. The library assumes no responsibility for documents left on the premises. If requested, a staff member will confirm the completed transmission for the patron.
Due to the increased volume of faxes coming into the library, and privacy considerations, identification will be required in order to pick-up the document.
Please do not leave young children unattended in the children’s room or in any area of the library. Library staff takes no responsibility for children left unattended, and there is no guarantee that a staff person will remain in the room with a child. Parents are also responsible for the safety and conduct of their children while in the library or on its grounds.
Children 5 years of age or older, using the library, must have a library card. The library may be used for quiet studying, research, and internet access, but loitering, loud conversation, disruptive behavior and repeated entering and exiting of the building will not be tolerated. Children who do not follow library rules may be asked to leave for the rest of the day or longer depending upon the infraction. Eating and drinking in the children’s room is also discouraged.
Books in the children’s area should not be re-shelved. Please use a shelf marker to keep track of where books belong, or leave items on reference tables to be shelved by librarians.
The JLPL upholds the U.S. Constitution’s 1st Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
And the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
“The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, andenlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting room available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”
The Josephine-Louise Public Library collection consists of print, audio visual, and electronic materials. The collection includes, but is not limited to, books, magazines, periodicals, large print titles, audiobooks, eBooks, eAudiobooks, music CD’s, DVD’s, Blu-ray Discs, and streaming media.
Responsibility for Selection
The responsibility for the collection rests with the JLPL Board of Trustees.
The responsibility for the selection of library materials and collection maintenance rests with the
Director, who delegates this task to qualified professional staff.
The Library Director/Manager will use the following criteria when considering and selecting
library materials:
1. Literary value of the material
2. Readability and popular appeal
3. Quality of material
4. Reputation and significance of author, publisher, and/or producer
5. Timeliness or permanence of the subject.
6. The critique and comments offered in (but not limited to) Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Kirkus, Library Journal, The New York Times Book Review, ALA Journal, and Public Library Catalog.
Materials to satisfy highly specialized interests are purchased if real or potential demand exists.
While suggestions from patrons are welcome and are given serious consideration, the Library cannot include in its permanent collection every specialized book desired by individuals, nor can it answer every obscure or specialized question. In certain cases, the most satisfactory service to a patron is to obtain the materials on interlibrary loan, or to refer the individual to another
Any patron who questions the selection of particular materials must register a formal Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form. Any such request will be reviewed at a public meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. The Josephine-Louise Public Library has no authority to waive policies mandated or promulgated by a higher authority (i.e. The Board of Regents).
This Policy is intended to set forth the principles for selection, evaluation, and maintenance of the collection, and supporting tenets of the JLPL. It shall also provide guidance for the selection of materials to the general collection to meet the needs of the diverse communities served by the JLPL within budgetary and space limitations.
Get In Touch
Send us a message or question and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Library Hours
Monday – Thursday: 10am-8pm
Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday: Closed
Contact Us
5 Scofield St.
Walden, NY 12586
(845) 778-7621
Fax: (845) 778-1946