Museum Passes
How to get your free passes
Museum passes may be checked out at no charge by Walden Library cardholders, ages 18 and older, with library accounts in good standing (no overdue fines). Patrons may call the library and ask for passes to be held for up to one hour.
For more information please contact:
Ginny Neidermier at (845) 778-7621 x1509 or
Alyssa Masotto at (845) 778-7621 x1512.
9/11 Memorial & Museum
American Museum of Natural History
Vouchers provide free admission. Up to four vouchers may be taken at once. Patrons may call the library and ask for vouchers to be held for up to one hour. Vouchers are replaced periodically.
Bethel Woods Museum
The pass can be checked out for three days. Patrons will be charged a fee for late returns. The pass is a card that must be presented to the Welcome Desk at Bethel Woods to receive four admissions to the museum. Patrons will be responsible for the entire cost of the pass if lost or misplaced.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
The pass can be checked out for three days. Patrons will be charged a fee for late returns. This pass will grant admission for up to two adults and children (one family). Patrons will be responsible for the entire cost of the pass if lost or misplaced.
Children’s Museum of Manhattan
Empire Pass
The Frick Museum
The Frick is known for representing intimately scaled exhibitions that feature remarkable works & scholarly advancements. The library’s museum pass allows admission for one adult per pass to their collections and special exhibitions, access to Member Preview Days and Member Mornings, convenience of skipping lines, and 10% discount at the Museum Shop. Pass allows for 3 day checkout, late fees apply, and patrons will be responsible for entire cost of a lost pass.
The Guggenheim
The Guggenheim Museum pass can be checked out for three days. The pass grants admission to four people per pass. Children under 12 are free and you have the option to add 2 additional adults for $5 each. Museum pass will be required for entry.
Hudson River Maritime Museum
Intrepid Museum
The Intrepid Museum pass can be checked out for three days. Patrons will be charged a fee for late returns. The pass grants admission to six people per day into the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum and the Growler submarine. Admission to the Space Shuttle Pavilion is not included. Your library card and photo ID will be required for entry. Patrons will be responsible for the entire cost of the pass if lost or misplaced.
Mohonk Mountain Park
One pass per person can be checked out for 3 days. Children 12 years old and under are free and do not need a pass when accompanied by an adult pass holder. The pass is not valid for parking or entry to the Mohonk Mountain House or Minnewaska State Park. The pass allows for a 3 day check out, late fees apply.
Patrons responsible for entire cost of lost pass.
Museum of Modern Art (MoMa)
The pass grants admission to one family of five.
New York Transit Museum
A Family Membership Museum Pass can be checked out for three days and allows for two adults and up to four children.
Use discount code JLPLIB2 for $5 off museum programs.
Late fees will be applied. Patrons will be responsible for the entire cost of the pass if lost.
Storm King Art Center
Other Resources
Library Hours
Monday – Thursday: 10am-8pm
Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday: Closed
Contact Us
5 Scofield St.
Walden, NY 12586
(845) 778-7621
Fax: (845) 778-1946